Our Survivor centric care

& Investigation model

In consideration of the wide scope of needs brought forward by victim - survivors within and without the fellowship community AFTT is utilizing a circular care model. Our team consists of a dedicated group of volunteer Advocates, that are trained to assist each victim-survivor by providing guidance to services with the goal of remediating historical and current abuse. Our resourced team provides victim-survivors access to trauma informed communal care, professional services and referrals. All services are survivor led and available throughout the recovery process. A survivor can also access care without reporting a perpetrator with AFTT's Survivor Care Team. Our team of advocates regularly check in throughout the recovery or legal process should they choose to take legal action.

AFTT’s Investigative Branch works hand in hand with our care team and survivors when they call the hotline to report an allegation that happened anywhere in the world. 

When a survivor calls the hotline:

  • A survivor can report a perpetrator anonymously. 

  • A survivor can work with the Investigative Team to get their perpetrator removed from the church meetings. 

  • A survivor can report to the FBI with an advocate

  • AFTT can help survivors seek investigative, legal or civil recourse.

  • All survivors are referred to receive therapy resources.

AFTT aims to provide accountability for the perpetrators of CSA/SA and those who have covered up crimes of abuse within the church by means of civil litigation and criminal prosecution. 

AFTT was created in an effort to provide victim-survivors with protection, community care, trauma informed therapeutic services, funding and legal aid.