Volunteer Intake Form

Thank you so much for your interest in supporting victim-survivors of child sexual abuse and sexual abuse within this fellowship. We invite you to complete this form to express your interest in volunteering on the Survivor Advocates and/or Notifications Team. 

Notification Team

State/province notification teams will be trained to receive and appropriately communicate information on predators in specific regions.  Following screening and training, the notification team members would distribute information to local elders, ministry and families in affected areas where the previously convicted, or credibly alleged resides. The format of these notifications would be informed by professionals in order to remain within law and best practices. The effort of the notification team members will be separate from investigation, law enforcement, and advocacy.  The purpose of the team is to prevent further abuse; creating a safer environment within our fellowship. 

Survivor Advocate Team

Survivor Advocate team members will volunteer through a process which will include a background check and training by victim-survivor professionals. Advocates must be discrete and prone to protect each survivor's privacy.  The list of advocates will be made available by AFTT to survivors upon request. Each survivor may choose whether or not to reach out to an advocate. Advocates will be described as people who have empathy, clarity, are both active and informed on this issue, and not afraid to bear the social consequences that can sometimes come with advocacy. 

A survivor may choose to remain anonymous for the purpose of establishing trust, and ensuring the advocate is appropriate for their situation.  The advocate should avoid making promises.  Getting specific changes made on the survivor’s behalf is not fully in anyone's control; it is a collective effort and will not always be successful.  The point of an advocate is to help survivors as needed, and to support survivors so they are not alone when seeking change and justice. The advocate makes themselves available to the survivor in a trauma informed way (training to be provided)